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Portfolio Management and Capacity Development for Enhanced Portfolio Performance is technical assistance of ADB under TA 9800-NEP: Portfolio Management and Capacity Development which was approved by ADB in June 2020. It is designed to conduct different need-based trainings for staff of ADB-assisted projects covering ADB procedures, project implementation, and thematic topics. The TA aims to improve capacity development and overall Nepal portfolio performance through three targeted outputs: (i) capacity development of executing and implementing agencies increased; (ii) cross-learning between projects supported; and (iii) portfolio performance improved.

Capacity Development Resource Centre (CDRC) is a unit established at Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) to conduct training programs under TA 8847-NEP: Enhancing Portfolio Performance. The CDRC has started the implementation of the contract activities since 16 November 2015.

Scope of Works

The scope of the services to be provided by the firm (i.e., NASC) to implement the training programs shall include the following activities:

  1. provide suitable experts as detailed in consultant requirement in contract and other suitable resources persons for conducting the training programs;
  2. conduct at least 50 capacity building programs to train about 1,500 staff from the executing and implementing agencies of ongoing and pipeline projects and associated federal, provincial, and local government staff; including four clinics on procurement, social safeguards, financial management, and contract management;
  3. design an overall structure of the training in close coordination with the team leader(TL), the deputy team leader(DTL), ADB and relevant agencies;
  4. conduct a training needs assessment in close coordination with the team leader and the deputy team leader;
  5. prepare training schedule in consultations with thematic staff of ADB and other relevant stakeholders;
  6. coordinate with the government agencies, such as PPMO, MOFAGA, FCGO and MOF when appropriate, to ensure that there is no overlap of trainings conducted through other programs;
  7. provide overall administration of the training sessions;
  8. summarize key areas of discussion at the end of each training session;
  9. ensure the overall quality of the conducted trainings;
  10. manage overall logistics (such as training material, food and accommodation for residential events, transportation for field visits, etc.) for the training events to be conducted in Kathmandu and other regional centers as per the annual training calendar, including sending out of invitations to participants and management of training venues;
  11. manage all payments related to the training that will be invoiced to ADB, ensuring sufficient documentation for these payments as required by ADB;
  12. enhance the existing CDRC online training nomination and registration system to improve efficiency of training administration through web based nominations and selection of participants, trainee tracking, maintaining trainee data base, and managing training logistics;
  13. develop and roll out e-learning modules in close consultation with ADB;
  14. collect and records feedback from participants on the quality and usefulness after completion of each training event and draft training events reports which summarize the feedback results.
  15. conduct impact assessment of the training programs to measure improvements in monitoring and evaluation of portfolio result, including development of base line indicators to measure the impact of training;
  16. organize training of trainers event for the selected consultants; and
  17. prepare and submit reports to ADB as specified in the contract


The assignment is expected to commence from June 2020 to June 2023.

Expected Outcomes

Followings are the expected outcomes of the program:

  • Enhancement of Capacity Development Resource Centre at NASC
  • Development of training modules on Procurement, Consultant Selection,  Contract Management, Project Management , Safeguards, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), and Financial Management.
  • Staff from various ADB assisted project offices will have enhanced capability to efficiently carry out the procurement of works and selection of consultants.
  • Staff from various ADB assisted project offices will have enhanced capability in Contract Management.
  • Staff from various ADB assisted project  offices  will have enhanced capability in Procurement and Contract Administration of Plant Design Supply and Installation
  • Staff from various ADB assisted project offices will have enhanced knowledge and skill in Project Management.
  • Staff  from various ADB assisted project  offices  will be  trained on Social and Environment Safeguards requirements
  • Staff from various ADB assisted project  offices  will be  on Financial Management
  • Staff  from various ADB assisted project  offices  will be  trained on  Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) requirements