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Projects are the set of activities to be completed within time, cost and quality specification. Completing projects successfully require good planning and continuous monitoring during implementation. Planning and monitoring are the basic skills required for personnel working in project for proper implementation. If projects are properly implemented, they will deliver expected results and help to achieve the goals of development plans.
In Nepal, performance of development projects and programs seem very poor. That is why, the Nepal Country Partnership Strategy has emphasized the need for improvement of portfolio performance of projects funded by Asian Development Bank. There is an urgent need of developing capacity in key agencies and to meet an immediate requirement for better investment planning and project preparation, implementation, and monitoring. The TNA has also indicated the lacking of knowledge and skills in project planning and monitoring. 
In this regard, the training on project planning and monitoring has been designed to impart planning and monitoring knowledge and skills to the participants to improve project performance. 


SN Name Designation Project/Office
1 -Navin Sharma Lamichhane Engineer Third Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project
2 Amit Kumar Sharma Project Engineer Rural Connectivity Improvement Project
3 Birendra Kandel Senior Divisional Engineer Third Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project
4 Jaya laxmi Singh Engineering geologist Bagmati River Basin Improvement
5 KRIPA DEVKOTA Engineer Rural Connectivity Improvement Project
6 Mahendra Sijapati Thapa Skills Development Project
7 Mukunda Kumar Karn Engineer Rural Connectivity Improvement Project
8 Pujan Neupane Integrated Urban Development Project
9 Pushkal Subedi Engineer Third Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project
10 Rajan Kumar Rana PISU (Civil Enginer) Secondary Towns Integrated Urban Environmental Improvement
11 Rajendra Thakulla Water Resources Project Preparatory Facility
12 Ravindra Prasad Phulara Integrated Urban Development Project
13 Shailesh Das Engineer Rural Connectivity Improvement Project
14 Shital Shrestha Engineer Rural Connectivity Improvement Project
15 Susmita Dahal Engineer Water Resources Project Preparatory Facility