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Delivering results from investment projects and programs are vital for the development of a nation. Good financial management promotes overall fiscal discipline and efficient allocation of resources to priority needs. It also ensures that all transactions and balances relating to the project are recorded correctly and completely so that accurate and timely financial reporting and auditing are enabled.

Financial auditing is one of the key activities of financial management. In the case of ADB funded projects, there is a provision to submit audited project financial statements within the certain time period. It is mandatory for ADB assisted projects to disclose the audit report on the ADB’s website for enhancing transparency.  

In this regard, the training program on financial management has been designed for effective implementation of financial management with special focus on preparing project financial statement.

Course Aim

The aim of this course is to enhance the financial management  knowledge and skills of the participants. with special focus on preparing project financial statement.

Objectives of the Course

At the end of this training program, participants are expected to be able to:

· understand financial management concepts, including ADB’s requirements; and

· prepare project financial statement.

Course Contents

The training course will be organized to deliver the following        contents:

· Financial management requirements and project cycle

· Financial reporting and auditing requirements

· Project completion and loan closure

· Loan disbursement procedure

· Advance account ledger

· Loan and grant financial information system

· Financial covenants and audit observation 


Training Approach and Methodology

Adult learning principles will be used to facilitate the learning of the participants. Particularly, interactive presentation, brainstorming, group exercises and presentation will be used to make participants able to prepare audited project financial statement. 



The program will be implemented for three working days .



11 - 13 Ashwin 2078 (27 - 29 September 2021)


Time and Venue

10:00 am to 03:30 pm; Kailash Hall


Training Management Team

Mr. Shiva Hari Adhikari

Dr. Shyan Kirat Rai

Mr. Shashi Shekhar Acharya


Name List of Participants

S.N  Name  Designation  Project /Office
1 Shree Prasad Dahal  Account Officer  PID/KUKL 
2 Laxman Bhatta  Computer Operator  PID/KUKL 
3 Namakala Gri  Senior Account Assistant  PID/KUKL 
4 Surya Aryal  Under Secretary  Melamchi water Supply 
5 Sanish Byanjankar  Finance Assistant  Melamchi water Supply 
6 Surendra Ghimire  Computer Operator   Project Directorate (ADB) 
7 Basant Sharma Account Officer  Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project 
8 Romakanta Kaphle  Under Secretary (Account)  Rural Enterprise Financing (MOF)
9 Rishikesh Rijal  Account Officer  Regional Urban Development 
10 Dhirendra Paudel Accountant  Regional Urban Development 
11 Bhim Pokhrel  Account Officer  Disaster Resilience of Schools 
12 Niranjan Koirala  Accountant  Disaster Resilience of Schools 
13 Sangam Dulal FMS Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC)
14 Yuba Raj Bhattrai Account Officer  Rural Connectivity Improvement 
15 Bhoj Raj Paudel  Under Secretary (Account)  Bagmati River Basin Improvement 
16 Tribhuvan Khanal  Account Officer  Bagmati River Basin Improvement 
17 Sangita Yadav  FM consultant  Bagmati River Basin Improvement 
18 Bharat Aryal  Account Officer  South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Airport Capacity Enhancement Project
19 Nahakul Thapa  Account Officer  Priority River Basins Flood Risk Management 
20 Mahendra Karki Accountant  Priority River Basins Flood Risk Management 
21 Shankar Datta Bhatta  Under Secretary (Account)  Department of Hydrology and Meteorology  
22 Rita Bhattrai  Accountant  Department of Hydrology and Meteorology  
23 Niranjan Maharjan Accountant  Ministry of Health and Population/ Responsive COVID-19 Vaccines for Recovery Project under the Asia Pacific
24 Roshan Shrestha Program Officer Ministry of Health and Population/ Responsive COVID-19 Vaccines for Recovery Project under the Asia Pacific