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Organized For Elected Representatives and Chief Executive Officers  of 7 municipalities from Jhapa District

Social and environmental assessments and good safeguard practices should be a well-established elements of project preparation and implementation processes. Government of Nepal is committed to address safeguard requirements while designing and implementing any development projects that could have adverse social and environmental impacts. It goes without saying that the officials from local government need to better understand the safeguard provisions as well as acts, rules, and guidelines.
Nepal Administrative Staff College, Capacity Development Resource Center (CDRC) is actively being engaged in enhancing knowledge and skills of executive/implementing officials from ADB assisted projects since 2015. In continuation to this, CDRC is organizing a workshop on ADB Safeguards Requirements and Procedures with a view to orient Elected Representatives and Chief Executive Officers of 7 municipalities from Jhapa District. 
Course Aim
The aim of the workshop is to bring together Mayors, Deputy-Mayors, Chief Executive Officers, Ward Chairpersons from local governments to discuss the ADB safeguards requirements and procedures.
Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe ADB’s safeguard policy statement and specific safeguard requirements; and
  • Analyze project specific requirements regarding grievance handling and compliance monitoring. 

Major topics of the workshop are:

  • ADB business process: project preparation to implementation
  • General introduction of ADB’s safeguard policy statement 2009
  • Specific safeguard requirements (Environment, Involuntary Resettlement, and Indigenous Peoples)
  • Project specific requirements, grievance handling, and compliance monitoring

The workshop will be conducted in interactive approach. The program will include a mix of methods, including presentation-discussion and group discussion. Participants will get ample opportunities for interaction and experience sharing. 
Resource Persons
ADB and CDRC experts will facilitate the sessions. 
Participants of the workshop will be from Mechi Nagar Municipality, Arjundhara Municipality, Birtamode Municipality, Kamal Rural Municipality, Kankai Municipality, Shiva Satakshi Municipality and Damak Municipality. Altogether, 40 participants from 7 local governments will join the workshop.